Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

A long writing by taengled: 소녀시대 #1: Fans

So, hello, bloggers. 

I think this is my... first time of posting, here, after; uh, let me count.

August... so, six months. Yes, I'm not posting frequently because of the depression of failed to watch a huge concert by S.M. Entertainment. Yes.

Anyways, this blog had started to do revolutions to be a review blog. Uh, no. Actually this is still a fandom blog; multifandom blog.



by taengled


Girls' Generation, or often known as SNSD, is a South Korean girl group debuted in 2 August 2007. This girl group, is the only thing I like the most (well, apart from another important factors). This girl group is very attractive, or in another word, very interesting.

I'm shy myself that I'm a fan of them in 2011. Yes, indeed. I'm shameful of that.

The Explanation

SNE (Korean: 소원, means wish. Pronounced so-won or so-one), the name of their fans, was officially declared on 2008. Yes. The name's official! There's so much SNE exist in this world, and do you believe this? The one who dominates was from America. North America. Or the whole America.

SNE, for the SNEs, is only used for the ones who fell in love with SNSD. Not only liking them, but fell for them, and start to collect their CDs, posters, accessories, and much more. 

The point of this essay isn't explaining all things about SNSD (you can found much of them in fans' guidebooks!), but the point is to make someone knows about them. Yes, I want more SNEs!

SNE is not used for the general fans. SNEs, are people who support SNSD and they do have their own vows for SNSD.

For example, maybe: Soshified. This site is the right place for you if you want to know all about SNSD. Basically, this is only a news website for you, the newcomers. But! Yes, there's a big bold 'but'. Uh, no double 't'. But, when you look inside, you can find Editorials, Album Reviews, newest update of their subbed videos (yes! Subbed videos! It's available too in Soshified. I'll explain about it... later.), lyrics updates, and of course, news.

For some several months, when the Writers (I'll explain about this, too!) retired (some of them don't), Soshified will hire for some more Writers.

Writers are the ones who wrote news for Soshified, editorials, reviews, and The Cucumber, their per-month comedy article. These writers, of course, are humorist and funny. It's very fun to talk to them. They often wrote fan fictions, in separated webs (livejournal) or even, in Soshified itself (please read my explanation about the Community Forums after this). 

Soshified hires Staffs (Moderators, who watched every single movement in the forum and gives you some warning points if you break the rules; Graphic Designers, who designs graphics for the forum; Writers, who wrote news, editorials, and another things exist in the main website; GFX Designers, who designed all motion graphics for the forum; Founder, who founds the forum, and yes, we should thank her, Soy, who created the forum for us; Administrator, some kind of the Founder's Personal Assistant, but... more higher than that. They create the basic rules and such, also helps to supervise the forum theme; Soshi Subbers, who sub the videos, translate the Korean news from websites, SNSD's newest pictures, and translating lyrics for us, members; Volunteers , who helped the Moderators to find their prey. Basically, the preys are people who break the rules--bad people!; Donors, people who donated to Soshified for the web growth and builds, also for the projects they have, like donating moneys to organizations. They're doing kind things with those money; Radio DJ, the ones who entertain us with their radio shows and song covers! They rocks! They had so much fan, and they're very kind) when there's a staff, or more than one, who retires from their position.

So, I guess... it's over about Soshified?

Ah, no. I forget about all the explanations!

The Community Forums! This is the one Soy created (basically, she created the whole Soshified.)! They contain 240.000+ members, on the website.

Community Forums is fully secured, free from viruses. It's guaranteed; your precious PC won't be infected by those nasty viruses.

They had Shoutbox. You must reach 10 non-spam posts to shout on Shoutbox. Remember to read The Rules before shouting! Rules are very important in Soshified. If you don't follow them, but breaking them, what the moderators'll do?

Giving you warning points.

Or further, banning you.

Yes, that's scary. I reached 700+ posts and I never break the rules of Shoutbox (well, except once. I don't know the function of Shoutbox and I typed. In CAPS.)!

Also, forums. 

There's so much part of them: Soshified 101 (this part explains you everything about Soshified!), Helpdesk (feel free to make a thread if you think there's something to worry. Like bugs or malware--no, this is secured. It's just Google Chrome issues! Or maybe, issues logging to the portal), Soshified Support (they had sub-forums. The famous one is From SNSD. The sub-forum contains threads that explains the times SNSD visited, or logged on, logged in, to Soshified. Tiffany, our eyesmiling queen, visited it the most frequent: five times. They noted nearly everything about SNSD's activities in Soshified.), and much more.

The one attracted my eyes is the Fan Fiction forum. It only had one sub-forum: Completed. Basically, this forum is a place to put your writing talents, to create a story with different themes and genres, with different plots too. But, be careful, kids. No peeking R-rated or M-rated stories, okay?


Well, of course, Soshified doesn't allow R-rated contents. They're very strict about that. But, don't worry, pre-writers! You can post the R-rated parts in different webs, like livejournal or any other else.

If you're a new person of Fan Fiction, you can be in the PM List. Ask politely to be in the PM List, or Personal Message List. The writer will send you messages to tell there's a new chapter of their story. It's very fun!

They have the Social Lounge too. There's two sub-forums: Soshified Around The World and Forum Games, if I'm not mistaken. If it's more than two, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Forum Games is much more than fun! You can play different games. There's so much of them, you'll be confused, because all of them was very fun. 

Soshified Around The World... maybe you can find your country there, eh? Mine is Indonesian Soshi Fans. There's Tunisians, Australians, NY, London, and... any other place. 

So, I think, enough for the explanations of fans, eh?

Will update with another writings some day... with another topic, still in the theme: SNSD.

Probably, I'll go for Couples.

Next writing, COUPLES!


My SSF account is very important for me. So, I love it. So much. It's taengled. Feel free to read my fan fiction, or loving my account. Uh, it's not necessary.

But add me. 

1 komentar:

  1. keep posting sist,, wlpun gak ngepost blog dari bln agustus. yang penting ttp semangat :p

    Mampir kesini ya, salam kenal Peta Indonesia Karya Anak Negeri
